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lenovolsw@126.com,   lisw_stu@ujn.edu.cn


济南市南辛庄西路336号四海资讯红足 250022


李士伟,山东聊城人,四海资讯红足副教授,硕士生导师。20177月博士毕业于南京大学,随后作为高层次人才受聘于四海资讯红足。研究领域为土壤重金属生物有效性、环境效应及迁移阻控。近年来,通过小鼠活体实验、体外胃肠模拟和同位素等技术手段,围绕场地污染土壤中的重金属,开展生物有效性相关研究,建立了一种土壤中重金属生物有效性稳态暴露活体实验方法,构建了用于预测土壤中重金属生物有效性的体外胃肠模拟方法模型,阐明了土壤中重金属生物有效性的影响因素,为土壤中重金属的人体健康风险评估提供了数据和方法支撑。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家留学基金委面上项目、山东自然科学基金、企事业委托课题等十余项研究课题。在环境主流期刊Environment   InternationalJournal of Hazardous MaterialsGeoderma Environmental Science   & Technology等发表SCI论文30余篇,并担任多个SCI期刊的审稿人。


2017.9 - 至今 四海资讯红足,水利与环境学院,讲师,副教授,硕士生导师

2013.9 - 2017.7  南京大学,环境学院,博士,环境科学与工程专业

2010.9 - 2013.6  华中农业大学,资源与环境学院,硕士,土壤学专业

2006.9 - 2010.6 山东农业大学,资源与环境学院,本科,环境科学

2003.9 – 2006.6 聊城市第三中学










参与参国家自然科学基金面上项目: 纳米ZnO影响典型农田土壤外源有机质分解的微生物机制研,第三位







Huang, X., Chang, M., Han, L., Li, J., Li, S.-W.,   Li, H.-B., 2023. Variation of lead bioaccessibility in soil reference   materials: Intra- and inter-laboratory assessments. Chemosphere 312, 137293.(通讯)

Li, S.-W., Chang, M., Huang, X., Li, H., Li, H.B.,   Ma, L.Q., 2022. Coupling in vitro assays with sequential extraction to   investigate cadmium bioaccessibility in contaminated soils. Chemosphere 288,   132655.

Li, S.-W., Qiu, Y., Chang, M., Sun, Z., He, F., Li,   H., 2021c. Effect of Soil Properties and Aging Time on Oral and Inhalation   Bioaccessibility ofCopper Oxide Nanoparticles in Soils. Bull. Environ.   Contam. Toxicol. 10.1007/s00128-021-03287-4.

Li, S.-W., Li, M.-Y., Sun, H.-J., Li, H.-B., Ma,   L.Q., 2020d. Lead bioavailability in different fractions of mining-and   smelting-contaminated soils based on a sequential extraction and mouse kidney   model. Environ. Pollut. 262, 114253.

Li, S.-W., Chang, M., Li, H., Cui, X.-Y., Ma, L.Q.,   2020c. Chemical compositions and source apportionment of PM2. 5 during clear   and hazy days: Seasonal changes and impacts of Youth Summer Olympic Games.   Chemosphere, 127163.

Li, S.-W., Li, H., Han, X., Ma, Y., 2019b.   Development and validation of a model for whole course aging of nickel added   to a wide range of soils using a complementary error function. Geoderma 348,   54-59.

Li, S.-W., Liu, X., Sun, H.J., Li, M.Y., Zhao, D., Luo,   J., Li, H.B., Ma, L.Q., 2017a. Effect of phosphate amendment on relative   bioavailability and bioaccessibility of lead and arsenic in contaminated   soils. J. Hazard. Mater. 339, 256-263.

Li, S.-W., Sun, H.-J., Wang, G., Cui, X.-Y., Juhasz,   A.L., Li, H.-B., Ma, L.Q., 2017b. Lead relative bioavailability in soils   based on different endpoints of a mouse model. J. Hazard. Mater. 326, 94-100.

Li, S.-W., Sun, H.-J., Li, H.-B., Luo, J., Ma, L.Q.,   2016c. Assessment of cadmium bioaccessibility to predict its bioavailability   in contaminated soils. Environ. Int. 94, 600-606.

Li, S.-W., Li, H.-B., Luo, J., Li, H.-M., Qian, X.,   Liu, M.-M., Bi, J., Cui, X.-Y., Ma, L.Q., 2016b. Influence of pollution   control on lead inhalation bioaccessibility in PM2.5: A case study of 2014   Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. Environ. Int. 94, 69-75.

Li, S.-W., Li, J., Li, H., Naidu, R., Ma, L.Q.,   2015. Arsenic bioaccessibility in contaminated soils: Coupling in vitro   assays with sequential and HNO3 extraction. J. Hazard. Mater. 295, 145-152.

Li, H.-B., Ning, H., Li, S.-W., Li, J., Xue, R.-Y.,   Li, M.-Y., Wang, M.-Y., Liang, J.-H., Juhasz, A.L., Ma, L.Q., 2021a. An   interlaboratory evaluation of the variability in arsenic and lead relative   bioavailability when assessed using a mouse bioassay. J. Toxicol. Environ.   Health, A 84, 1-15.(共一)

Da Silva, E.B., Li, S.-W., de Oliveira, L.M., Gress,   J., Dong, X., Wilkie, A.C., Townsend, T., Ma, L.Q., 2018. Metal leachability   from coal combustion residuals under different pHs and liquid/solid ratios.   J. Hazard. Mater. 341, 66-74.(共一)

Sun, H.-J., Li, S.-W., Li, C., Wang, W.-Q., Li,   H.-B., Ma, L.Q., 2017. Thyrotoxicity of arsenate and arsenite on juvenile   mice at organism, subcellular, and gene levels under low exposure.   Chemosphere 186, 580-587. (共一)


Chen, S., Yang, J.-L., Zhang, Y.-S., Wang, H.-Y.,   Lin, X.-Y., Xue, R.-Y., Li, M.-Y., Li, S.-W., Juhasz, A.L., Ma, L.Q., 2023.   Microplastics affect arsenic bioavailability by altering gut microbiota and   metabolites in a mouse model. Environ. Pollut. 324, 121376.

Li, H.-B., Li, M.-Y., Zhao, D., Li, J., Li, S.-W.,   Juhasz, A.L., Basta, N.T., Luo, Y., Ma, L.Q., 2019a. Oral Bioavailability of   As, Pb, and Cd in Contaminated Soils, Dust, and Foods based on Animal   Bioassays: a Review. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 10545-10559.

Li, H.-B., Li, M.-Y., Zhao, D., Li, J., Li, S.-W.,   Xiang, P., Juhasz, A.L., Ma, L.Q., 2020a. Arsenic, lead, and cadmium   bioaccessibility in contaminated soils: Measurements and validations. Crit.   Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 1-36.

Li, H.-B., Zhao, D., Li, J., Li, S.-W., Wang, N.,   Juhasz, A.L., Zhu, Y.-G., Ma, L.Q., 2016a. Using the SBRC assay to predict   lead relative bioavailability in urban soils: contaminant source and   correlation model. Environ. Sci. Technol. 50, 4989-4996.

Li, H., Cheng, Y., Liu, Y., Li, S.-W., Han, X., Ma,   Y., 2021b. Trace element accumulation from swine feeds to feces in Chinese   swine farms: Implication for element limits. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manag.

Li, H., Li, J., Li, S.-W., Ma, L.Q., 2018.   Application of Oral Bioavailability to Remediation of Contaminated Soils:   Method Development for Bioaccessible As, Pb, and Cd, in: Luo, Y., Tu, C.   (Eds.), Twenty Years of Research and Development on Soil Pollution and   Remediation in China. Springer Singapore, Singapore, pp. 189-216.

Li, J., Chen, Q., Li, H., Li, S.-W., Liu, Y., Yang,   L., Han, X., 2020b. Impacts of different sources of animal manures on   dissemination of human pathogenic bacteria in agricultural soils. Environ.   Pollut., 115399.

Lin, X.-Y., Xue, R.-Y., Zhou, L., Zhang, Y.-S.,   Wang, H.-Y., Zhang, S., Li, S.-W., Juhasz, A.L., Ma, L.Q., Zhou, D.-M., Li,   H.-B., 2022. Effects of various Fe compounds on the bioavailability of Pb   contained in orally ingested soils in mice: Mechanistic insights and health   implications. Environ. Int. 170, 107664.

Sun, H.-J., Zhao, W.-J., Teng, X.-Q., Shu, S.-P.,   Li, S.-W., Hong, H.-C., Guan, D.-X., 2020. Antioxidant responses and   pathological changes in the gill of zebrafish (Danio rerio) after chronic exposure   to arsenite at its reference dose. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 200, 110743.

Wang, J., Li, S.-W., Cui, X., Li, H., Qian, X.,   Wang, C., Sun, Y., 2016. Bioaccessibility, sources and health risk assessment   of trace metals in urban park dust in Nanjing, Southeast China. Ecotoxicol.   Environ. Saf. 128, 161-170.

Wang, J., Li, S.-w., Li, H., Qian, X., Li, X., Liu,   X., Lu, H., Wang, C., Sun, Y., 2017. Trace metals and magnetic particles in   PM2.5: Magnetic identification and its implications. Sci. Rep. 7, 9865.

Xu, M., Li, H., Li, S.-W., Li, C., Li, J., Ma, Y.,   2020. The presence of tetracyclines and sulfonamides in swine feeds and   feces: dependence on the antibiotic type and swine growth stages.   Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-10.

Xu, M., Wang, Y., Mu, Z., Li, S.-W., Li, H., 2021.   Dissolution of copper oxide nanoparticles is controlled by soil solution pH,   dissolved organic matter, and particle specific surface area. Sci. Total   Environ. 772, 145477.

Cui, X., Li, S.-W., Zhang, S., Fan, Y., Ma, L.Q.,   2015. Toxic metals in children's toys and jewelry: Coupling bioaccessibility   with risk assessment. Environ. Pollut. 200, 77-84.

Yin, H., Wang, X., Qin, Z., Ginder-Vogel, M., Zhang,   S., Jiang, S., Liu, F., Li, S.-W., Zhang, J., Wang, Y., 2017. Coordination   geometry of Zn 2+ on hexagonal turbostratic birnessites with different Mn   average oxidation states and its stability under acid dissolution. Journal of   Environmental Sciences, S1001074216307252.


李士伟, 常明慧, 王晓军,   2020a. “雨课堂在无机及分析化学课程教学中的应用. 教育教学论坛, 273-274.

李士伟, 邱琪, 于欣艳, 王晓军, 常明慧, 2020b. 高校大型仪器管理现状及对策. 四海资讯红足学报(自然科学版) 30, 85-87.

牟祖廷, 张延一, 马义兵, 李士伟, 李合莲, 韩雪梅,   2021. 我国典型农田土壤中Cr)的老化过程及主控因子. 农业环境科学学报 40, 62-73.

孙宗全, 李合莲, 于修乐, 邱彦华, 韩雪梅, 李士伟, 马义兵, 2019. 不同作物对土壤中铬的富集能力的差异. 四海资讯红足学报:自然科学版 33,   70-75+80.

于修乐, 马义兵, 孙宗全, 李合莲, 李士伟, 韩雪梅,   2018. 土壤中Cr(Ⅵ)Cr(Ⅲ)生态毒性的差异性研究. 农业环境科学学报 037, 2522-2531.


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