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作者:管理员 来源:资源与环境学院 发布时间:2016-05-19浏览量:


College English II

课程编码: 08A09020 学分:3.0 课程类别:通识必修课

计划学时:48 其中讲课:48 实验或实践:0 上机:0





Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编,《视听说教程》2 ,上海外语教育出版社,2012年。



黄望武主编,《大学英语口语教程》, 外文出版社,2005年。


Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编,《视听说教程》2 教师用书,上海外语教育出版社,2008年。



郑树棠主编,《新视野大学英语》读写教程2 教师用书,外语教学与研究出版社,2008年。





1. 听力理解能力:语速为每分钟120词的听力材料,听两遍即能正确理解中心大意,抓住要点和有关细节,了解说话者的观点和态度。能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座,能基本听懂英语节目。

2. 口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,语音、语调基本正确,并能就日常话题和英语国家人士进行交谈。

3. 阅读理解能力:能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟65词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法

4. 书面表达能力:能运用学到的词汇和语法结构连句成段。能就一般性话题或提纲写出一段带有中心句的文字,内容基本完整,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。

5. 翻译能力:能翻译难度与课文相仿的英语文章,译速每小时250词,能将内容熟悉的汉语译成英语,译速每小时200字。

6. 词汇量要求:注意区分认知型词汇、活用型词汇、核心词汇。掌握的词汇量应达到2,500个单词,300个词组,其中1,600个单词为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上学会熟练运用,包括口头和书面表达两个方面。


Unit One 建议学时:8


1. Providing students with a whole idea of English study of this term

2. Practicing students’ listening and speaking skills

3. Supplying the background information of the text to students

4. Grasping some words and expressions

5. Detailed study of the text

6. Checking whether the students understand the text or not


1. To understand how Americans value time and grasp the related key words and expressions;

2. Difficult grammatical points: “much less” and the conjunction, “whereas”;

3. Reading skills: reading for the main idea in a paragraph;

4. Writing pattern: to write a paragraph with a general statement supported by details.

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等。

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1 & 2

1. Short summary of the previous term and the arrangement of the new term

2. Class report/Role play

3. Listening and speaking :

Unit One All About Me

Lesson A The people in my life

4. Warming-up of section A, Unit One Time-Conscious Americans

Words and expressions explanation, background information

Periods 3 & 4

1. Class report/Role play

2. Text Explanation of Section A, Unit One

1) Part division

2) Difficult sentences

3) Writing styles and devices

Periods 5 & 6

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Listening and speaking

Unit One All About Me

Lesson B Special people and memories

3. Exercises explanation of Section A

Periods 7 & 8

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Reading skills of section B Keys to Successful Online Learning

3. Text of section B Keys to Successful Online Learning

Unit Two 建议学时:8


1. Practicing students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Supplying the background information of the text to students

3. Grasping some words and expressions

4. Detailed study of the text

5. Checking whether the students understand the text or not


1. To understand the meaning of commitment, love and the Olympic spirit and grasp the related key words and expressions;

2. Difficult grammatical points: “nor” and “despite”;

3. Reading skills: finding out word meanings;

4. Writing pattern: to write a paragraph with a general statement supported by details.

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等。

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1 & 2

1. Class report/Role play

2. Listening and speaking :

Unit Two Express Yourself!

Lesson A Feelings and Emotions

3. Warming-up of section A, Unit Two Learning the Olympic Standard for Love

Periods 3 & 4

1. Class report/Role play

2. Text Explanation of Section A, Unit Two

1) Part division

2) Difficult sentences

3) Writing styles and devices

Periods 5 & 6

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Listening and speaking

Unit Two Express Yourself!

Lesson B Feelings and Emotions

3. Exercises explanation of Section A

Periods 7 & 8

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Reading skills of section B The Standard for Olympic Excellence

3. Text of section B The Standard for Olympic Excellence

Unit Three 建议学时:8


1. Practicing students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Supplying the background information of the text to students

3. Grasping some words and expressions

4. Detailed study of the text

5. Checking whether the students understand the text or not


1. To understand the meaning of cultural shock and the marriage across nations and grasp the related key words and expressions;

2. Difficult grammatical points: “never too…to…” and the appositional structure;

3. Reading skills: recognizing differences between facts and opinions;

4. Writing pattern: to write a paragraph which start with a correction of one idea and goes on to present another idea on one topic.

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等。

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1 & 2

1. Class report/Role play

2. Listening and Speaking :

Unit Three Let’s Eat!

Lesson A Foods we like

3. Warming-up of section A, Unit Three Marriage Across Nations

Periods 3 & 4

1. Class report/Role play

2. Text Explanation of Section A, Unit Three

1) Part division

2) Difficult sentences

3) Writing styles and devices

Periods 5 & 6

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Listening and speaking:

Unit Three Let’s Eat!

Lesson B Eating out

3. Exercises explanation of Section A

Periods 7 & 8

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Reading skills of section B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in-law

3. Text of section B Rich Meeting His Future Mother-in-law

Unit Five 建议学时:8


1. Practicing students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Supplying the background information of the text to students

3. Grasping some words and expressions

4. Detailed study of the text

5. Checking whether the students understand the text or not


1. To understand the parent-child relationship and learn how to communicate with parents and grasp the related key words and expressions;

2. Difficult grammatical points: “which” and “so…that…”;

3. Reading skills: understanding figurative language;

4. Writing pattern: to write a paragraph showing a cause-and-effect relation.

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等。

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1 & 2

1. Class report/Role play

2. Listening and Speaking :

Unit Four Today’s Trends

Lesson A Modern Family Trends

3. Warming-up of section A, Unit Five Weeping for my Smoking Daughter

Periods 3 & 4

1. Class report/Role play

2. Text Explanation of Section A, Unit Five

1) Part division

2) Difficult sentences

3) Writing styles and devices

Periods 5 & 6

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Listening and speaking:

Unit Four Today’s Trends

Lesson B Today’s Trends

3. Exercises explanation of Section A

Periods 7 & 8

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Reading skills of section B Stop Spoiling Your Children

3. Text of section B Stop Spoiling Your Children

Unit Six 建议学时:8


1. Practicing students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Supplying the background information of the text to students

3. Grasping some words and expressions

4. Detailed study of the text

5. Checking whether the students understand the text or not


1. To understand the prejudice communicated through names, appearances and grasp the related key words and expressions;

2. Difficult grammatical points: “-ing” participle clause and “as…so…”;

3. Reading skills: understanding figurative language;

4. Writing pattern: to write a paragraph of comparison.

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等。

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1 & 2

1. Class report/Role play

2. Listening and Speaking :

Unit Five Unsolved Mysteries

Lesson A A detective is on the case

3. Warming-up of section A, Unit Six As His Name Is, So Is He!

Periods 3 & 4

1. Class report/Role play

2. Text Explanation of Section A, Unit Six

1) Part division

2) Difficult sentences

3) Writing styles and devices

Periods 5 & 6

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Listening and speaking:

Unit Five Unsolved Mysteries

Lesson B Mysteries and Strange Events

3. Exercises explanation of Section A

Periods 7 & 8

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Reading skills of section B Judge by Appearances

3. Text of section B Judge by Appearances

Unit Seven 建议学时:8


1. Practicing students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Supplying the background information of the text to students

3. Grasping some words and expressions

4. Detailed study of the text

5. Checking whether the students understand the text or not


1. To understand the stress in life and grasp the related key words and expressions;

2. Difficult grammatical points: “among other things” and “the more…the more…”;

3. Reading skills: skimming;

4. Writing pattern: to write a paragraph with a cause-effect relation.

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等。

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1 & 2

1. Class report/Role play

2. Listening and Speaking :

Unit Six The Mind

Lesson A How is your memory

3. Warming-up of section A, Unit Seven Lighten Your Load and Save Your Life

Periods 3 & 4

1. Class report/Role play

2. Text Explanation of Section A, Unit Seven

1) Part division

2) Difficult sentences

3) Writing styles and devices

Periods 5 & 6

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Listening and speaking:

Unit Six The Mind

Lesson B Memory and Dreams

3. Exercises explanation of Section A

Periods 7 & 8

1. Class report/Role play/Dictation

2. Reading skills of section B Are You a Workaholic?

3. Text of section B Are You a Workaholic?

撰稿人:崔新燕 审核人:梁爱民

